April Showers Bring..The Sunbass Louvre Pergola!

OK ok, so here in the Philippines, April Showers isn’t really a thing. That’s more of a USA and UK event. Here in the Philippines, there’s a different kind of April Showers. Blazing showers of heat and sunshine. Sunshine that can almost be dangerous to be out in. And staying inside is no better. Air Conditioning drives up energy bills and electric fans just blow around ultra heated air. Besides, who wants to be cooped up all day in the house? No one, that’s who. You want to be outside in the fresh air, in your own space, surrounded by luxury. You want to have control. You don’t want to be a slave to that blazing sun and those pesky rain showers year after year. Well, Skybass Indoor and Outdoor Comfort right here in the Philippines has the answer!

What’s The Cure For Those April Showers Of Sun?

The Sunbass Louvre Pergola of course! Minimalistic in design with an artistic feel that blends in with any aesthetics and scenery , the Sunbass Louvre Pergola is the solution to being able to enjoy the outdoors on those ultra sunny days. But there’s more than just protection and design. There’s beauty and luxury. If you’re going to enjoy your outdoor space, why not do it to the fullest?

The Sunbass Louvre Pergola is the ultimate in outdoor luxury. That may sound like a bold claim, but if you take a look at everything the Sunbass Louvre Pergola has to offer, then I’m sure you’ll agree it sets the industry standard for outdoor luxury. No where else are you going to find a design that installs over any flat surface that will transform your outdoor space like the Sunbass Louvre Pergola.

Of course, as with all luxury items, you’ll expect high quality and standards in construction. With the Sunbass Louvre Pergola, you won’t be disappointed. With a heavy aluminum profile, that won’t rust, your structure will be durable and sturdy. Placing it over any flat surface, such as a patio or outdoor deck, or even as a stand alone structure, will give you plenty of protection to relax. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola measures an amazing 4 X 3 meters giving a whopping 12 sq. meters of space underneath.

Philippines April Showers Come In May

April in the Philippines is a month of high temperatures and hot, humid, sticky air. There’s no escaping the tropical climate. The best Filipinos can do is make adjustments to be comfortable. And comfort is truly the key. Since you work hard, you deserve to live each and every day in comfort and beauty. So, the best way to beat the heat and still be able to relax outdoors during April. The unique Louvre system allows you to adjust to the shade to your liking. No more wrestling with bulky umbrellas or moving your seat. Or worse yet, having a beam of superheated sunlight hitting your skin like a laser beam.

However, here in the Philippines, our showers start in May and go through October. That’s a big chunk of the year to be trying to plan events and even, yes, personal outdoor time around. With the Sunbass Louvre Pergola’s impressive design and engineering, you won’t need to worry about a sudden rainshower. Simply close the louvres all the way to form a watertight seal. Then go right on relaxing, reading, or even entertaining that prospective client.

Stay Protected During COVID

The COVID pandemic is not an issue that many really want to talk about. But in reality, it has affected every part of our lives. The yo-yoing of lockdown and restrictions is enough to drive anyone mad. Many people have had to cancel travel plans and vacations due to the ongoing situation. Even going to the office has become a threat and many people have taken to, or been forced to, work from home.

To stay protected and safe during the COVID pandemic, simply ditch the office for now, and instead work in luxury under a Sunbass Louvre Pergola! We can almost guarantee you’ll have more space than in your own office. Or even home office!

Imagine your next Zoom meeting with a prospective client, or other work from home staff. The beautiful scenery behind you. Let them see how much you value yourself and your life. And yes, of course they will be envious! Also, and most importantly, you won’t be in danger of contracting the deadly COVID-19 virus. You can go on working with the peace of mind that you’re at a safe distance, yet still getting the fresh air you need.

Working late hours? No worries! The Sunbass Louvre Pergola comes equipped with pre-installed LED lighting to give you the illuminance you need, and still retain a luxurious mood and setting. What more could anyone ask for an outdoor office?

The Sunbass Louvre pergola is also the perfect setting for homeschooling. You can install your Pergola directly over your doorway or patio to give the kids a place to walk outdoors and study. Furthermore, it will be protected from the harsh elements, so you won’t have to worry.

April Showers Come In Many Forms

Everyone has their own version of April showers. It could be rain, it could be sun. It  could even be stress and worry from the outside world. No matter what the case may be, The Sunbass Louvre Pergola from Skybass can make sure you’re never bothered by an April shower again.

Remember that Skybass has locations in Manila, and Cebu and can deliver nationwide via 2GO logistics. Contact us  now or check out our Facebook Page to take luxury to the next step with a durable and affordable Sunbass Louvre Pergola!


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