Living The Dream With A Sunbass Louvre Pergola

Are you living the dream? If the answer is no, Skybass wants to ask you why not? January is already gone. Have you started making the move toward  living 2021 in luxury yet? If not, what’s holding you back? Seriously think about it. What’s stopping you from taking the steps right this very moment to make sure you begin to live the life you want. A life surrounded by beauty and luxury. As well as practicality. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola can give you exactly what you’re missing in your life. Freedom to have the luxury you deserve!

Living the Dream: Filipino Style

If there’s one thing that can be said about Filipinos, is they are strong in facing adversity and troubles. Anything life throws at them, the Filipino knows how to make the most out of it. And turn it into something fun and positive. The Filipino goes after what they want and works hard to get it. I’m sure this can be said about you. So then why aren’t you living the dream?

Here we are still in the grips of the ongoing pandemic. And yes, there are a lot of restrictions still in place. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. But does this mean you still can’t enjoy life to the fullest?

Absolutely not!

What if I told you that you can have all the luxury of a resort spa, or even a mountain retreat right on your own property? Wouldn’t you be interested in knowing more? Of course you would. And you can. With a Sunbass Louvre Pergola! 

Carpe Diem and Living The Dream

Most of us have seen the Hollywood blockbuster starring Robin Williams called “The Dead Poet’s Society”. In the overall general theme of the movie Robin’s character, the English literature professor, speaks about Carpe Diem. Carpe Diem is latin for “Seize the day!” Meaning, you have to take charge of your life, and yes your luxury.

Skybass indoor and Outdoor comfort want to help you seize the day and take control of your comfort. We can’t let this pandemic get the best of us, no matter how long it goes on. While the rest of the world runs around, stressing and complaining, you can be relaxing. By installing a Sunbass Louvre Pergola over any flat surface in your outdoor space, you can start living the dream. Carpe Diem!

Resort, Restaurant, And Spa Owners Listen Up

There is no reason for you to also not be living the dream. Understandably, restrictions may have put a damper on high volume business. And volume is something almost every restaurant, spa, or resort counts on. Social distancing is taking up valuable real estate in our establishments, making it increasingly difficult to generate the revenue you need to make a profit.

Furthermore, customers who want to come to your establishments are also getting frustrated because of the lack of space. Skybass indoor and Outdoor Comfort has a solution for you. More outdoor seating! With a Sunbass Louvre Pergola you can easily set up luxurious and minimalistic outdoor seating that will blend in with any decor.

However, with any business investment, you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. Sure, an item may look nice and sleek, but many times they won’t last. With the Sunbass Louvre Pergola you won’t be disappointed. And neither will your customers.

The materials used in the design and construction are of superior quality and European fabricated. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola contains no imitation or substandard materials that will not last. The high quality aluminum profile of the Sunbass Louvre Pergola is designed to not rust and built to last. Furthermore, the aluminum frame can withstand heavy winds and all types of  unpredictable tropical weather we experience here in the Philippines.  Making it ideal for the poolside. The louvres themselves can easily rotate up to 150 degrees and close to form a watertight seal keeping your customers dry as they finish their meals or go on relaxing.

And lets not forget the revolutionary internal guttering system stops the accumulation of standing water. This will relieve a lot of the stress many flat roofs undergo. Also, the internal guttering system means the rain water does not flow over the edge, potentially splashing on your customers or making puddles.

Expand to your outdoor space, increase your customer seating, and start living the dream!

Living The Dream Is In Your Hands

So no matter if you are a business owner in the Philippines or a homeowner, Skybass has the luxury item for you. Also, there is so much more to the Sunbass Louvre Pergola for you to explore. For instance, the pre-installed LED lighting that will give just the right mood for when the sun goes down. Open the louvres full and do some star gazing. The possibilities are endless. Make sure you check out all the options and designs here.  Perfect for any outdoor space, resort, or lodge.

Remember that Skybass has locations in Manila, and Cebu and can deliver nationwide via 2GO logistics. Contact us  now or check out our Facebook Page to take luxury to the next step with a durable and affordable Sunbass Louvre Pergola!


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