The Holidays Are A Time For Wellness And Luxury

The holidays are finally here! This is the season that gives us a chance to forget about all the unfortunate events from 2020. You’ll want to spend time with family and de- stress. Leave behind everything that has been weighing on your mind for the last 12 months. Let it all go and look forward to the New Year 2021. Does it too seem bleak? It doesn’t have to! By ordering your Sunbass Louvre Pergola before Christmas (or even after!) you can ensure that 2021 will be the year of wellness and luxury!

The Holidays Gives You The Break You Deserve

Yes, the holidays can also be a stressful time. With all the running around, preparations, making plans, shopping… But as all that winds down, it’s time to relax and reflect on ourselves and our future. We may need to ask ourselves: “Am I getting the most out of life? Am I doing what it takes to stay well?”

These are important questions that we really need to look at as the year ends. 2020 was a complete disaster for so many people and businesses. As things are slowly emerging in the Philippines and the new normal is getting more and more solidified, it becomes necessary to take certain steps. Steps to ensure we do get the most out of life and are staying mentally and physically well. Spending all of our time in worry and stress can affect our mood, our sleep, and even our complete wellness.

How A Sunbass Louvre Pergola Can Help you Keep Your Holiday Sanity

Stress and anxiety are real and they affect all of us. Some more than others. Furthermore, it’s not fair to ourselves and our loved ones to be preoccupied with worries during the holidays. We want to be present with those around us. We want to know we have something to look forward to in 2021.

Enjoying the fruits of your labor is what life is all about. Everyone deserves a little reward now and again. Rewards that improve our quality of life and everyday living. So imagine if you could transform your outdoor space into a resort like setting to have all year round. Just think of how much your life will be taken to a higher level with the freedom to enjoy and relax outdoors in comfort and without worry. You can have that and more with a Sunbass Louvre Pergola from Skybass Indoor and Outdoor Comfort.

With a Sunbass Louvre Pergola you’ll have the luxurious private space you need to de-stress and get away from everything. By being surrounded in minimalist beauty, you’ll be able to recharge and take on whatever more might be in store for you in 2021.

Next Holidays Can Be Spent In Wellness and Luxury

Order your Sunbass Louvre Pergola now and enjoy the rest of 2020 knowing that next year, you’ll be having your favorite holiday meal surrounded by luxury in your own outdoor space. No need for a fancy resort or spa. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola measures an amazing 4 X 3 meters giving an impressive 12 sq. meters of space underneath. Plenty of room to spread out and relax. Also, it’s not just for holidays. Use your Pergola escape any day you need to unwind and regain your sanity and peace of mind.

There are already enough things in your life that you need to be worried about. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola is not one of them. It’s durable construction and design is meant to withstand the unpredictable weather here in the Philippines. Furthermore, even as you relax in your luxurious Sunbass Louvre Pergola you need not be concerned if it begins to rain.

Just simply close the louvres and form a watertight seal. This stops any rain from disturbing you and it will be removed through the internal guttering system. So you won’t have to even think about water cascading over the sides like a waterfall. Nothing could be more relaxing to sit in the open air during a light rain surrounded by comfort. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola has everything you need and expect in a luxury item.

Seamless Extension Of Your Home To An Outdoor Space

Installing a Sunbass Louvre Pergola in 2021 is like adding an extra room entirely. You can place it over your kitchen door to extend outward and use it as a luxurious dining area for entertaining or those special nights with the family. Or even for everyday use! You’ll be able move freely to your outdoor space seamlessly and without worry.

Want to enjoy the night sky for cocktails with guests on those special occasions coming up? Simply push a button and fully open the louvres to soak in the evening and everything it has to offer. The Sunbass Louvre Pergola also features installed LED lighting so you won’t have to worry about hanging lights or having lamps.

And Of course, Happy Holidays From Skybass Indoor And Outdoor Comfort

We just want to take a moment to say Happy Holidays from us here at Skybass Indoor and Outdoor Comfort. It has been a pleasure serving the Philippines and becoming the number one supplier of retractable awnings and Sunbass Louvre Pergolas nationwide. And we became number one because we care. Whether you are an existing customer, or still thinking about our products, we hope you have a safe, fun, and enjoyable holiday season.

Looking forward to 2021, no one can be sure what will occur. If we go back a year, who could have foreseen the events that would be thrown at us this past year? That’s why it’s important now to make sure we take care of ourselves, and our health and well being.

Remember that Skybass has locations in Manila, and Cebu and can deliver nationwide via 2GO logistics. Contact us now or check out our Facebook Page to take luxury to the next step with a durable and affordable Sunbass Louvre Pergola!


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