Homeschooling Under The Retractable Awning

Homeschooling has always been an option in the Philippines, as it is globally. However, now with the current COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a requirement. School will not be opening this coming academic year and homeschooling is the current normal.

Homeschooling is an inevitable byproduct of the COVID-19 pandemic. Until there is a vaccine, schools will not be allowed to re-open. This is a safety precaution to ensure the health of our children and a step in the direction of stopping the spread of this disease.

With the help of the education system and local schools, parents are now taking on the responsibility of teaching their children at home. Some have chosen to get the modules themselves whilst others have opted for online classes. Both have their benefits and both can produce amazing results for the children.

Homeschooling Has It’s Setbacks Though

With the ongoing restrictions and lockdown in many areas lingering, homeschooling offers another issue. Where to set up a home classroom? The dining room or kitchen table is an option. However, for a busy family in a working home this can lead to many other issues. Also, you want to get your children away from all the distractions of TV’s and computer games. The laptop or computer needs to be set aside at this time for educational purposes only.

We all want our children to learn and be successful. So, the best route to take is to create an environment that is peaceful and conducive to learning. To do this, a separate area just for learning is ideal. Much like a classroom. It gives the children the comfort of knowing they are in an educational space. Furthermore, they will be more respectful of the space as well as less distracted.

Limited Space For Homeschooling?

Space can then become an issue. Very few Filipino families were expecting to be needing a separate space for homeschooling when they made their home- buying decisions. Many areas, especially in larger families, are always in use one way or another. And to take away some of this space specifically for homeschooling can lead to hiccups and disruptions in the daily lives of our families.

Of course, everyone is willing to make sacrifices for the education of their children. But the truth is even with the advancements in vaccines and the testing going on we have no idea when this will end. Or if and when things will ever go back to the way they were. Furthermore, we have no idea what restrictions will be in store for our children and schooling in the future.

Skybass Has A Homeschooling Solution

Remember those days back in school when we used to dream of being outside instead of crammed inside the classroom? Well that dream can come to life for you and your children this upcoming academic year. How?  By installing a Heavy-Duty retractable awning from Skybass indoor and Outdoor Comfort.

A Heavy-Duty retractable awning from Skybass will give you more than enough space underneath to conduct homeschooling classes. And at the same time keep the rain and sun off of you and your children. With 30 sq. meters of space underneath, there will be plenty of room for even families with many children to have the space they need to focus on their studies.

How To Create Your Homeschooling Classroom

To create your homeschooling classroom, you’ll simply need to first install your Skybass Heavy-Duty retractable awning on an exterior wall. You’ll ant to make sure you are near a power source so you can plug in the mechanized motor for simple, remote controlled protraction. You can then adjust the pitch of your Heavy-Duty retractable awning to your liking. This will ensure you have maximum protection from the sun.

Installation is simple and easy and requires just a few tools and a helper or two. In the span of one afternoon you can transform an outdoor space into a usable homeschooling classroom. Which can then have many other uses when school is not in session! It’s a win-win.

To complete your homeschooling classroom under your Heavy-Duty retractable awning from Skybass, simply set up some tables and chairs and grab your modules. Then add students. With a Skybass Heavy-Duty retractable awning, any parent can master the art of teaching. By having this allotted space it will make a world of difference and your children won’t miss out on a good education.

Science Projects And Snacks 

Another great benefit from installing a Skybass Heavy-Duty retractable awning is the space and protection your kids will have to do their projects. Let’s face it, sometimes a good science project requires a good amount of room. With a Skybass Heavy-Duty retractable awning you’ll have plenty of it. Invite other kids also to take part in a science fair or even put on a dance competition! The possibilities are endless.

And of course, don’t forget about snack time. Nothing beats sitting outside in the fresh air having your afternoon snacks while taking a break from your studies.

Your kids will thank you.

Remember that Skybass has locations in Manila, and Davao City and can deliver nationwide via 2GO logistics. Contact us  now or check out our Facebook Page to get the most out of your home schooling experience.


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