COVID-19 Lockdown Under A Skybass Awning

Before we go into today’s blog post, we at Skybass Indoor and Outdoor Comfort want to wish everyone good health and safety.

Lockdown during these times of crisis and virus outbreak can be difficult and scary. Furthermore it can cause a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. On top of all that, having the kids home from school, and the entire family home from work can make things crowded and uncomfortable. It may be great for a day or two, but sooner or later people will start needing a little more space.

No one likes to be quarantined. All your moves are restricted and the simple tasks we normally take for granted are now monitored or in some areas impossible. Just going to the grocery store can be a difficult challenge. We begin to feel like Rapunzel trapped in the tower. Also, now that it’s summer, going out onto our own property can be too harsh with the blazing heat.

It Doesn’t Have To Be A Bad Thing

Keeping positive about bad situations is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Taking this lockdown time to have a rest, take a breather and be grateful for your blessings can keep things in the right perspective. And of course, one way to help the situation along is with a retractable awning from Skybass Indoor and Outdoor Comfort. With a Skybass retractable awning you’ll have the extra space needed and the freedom to enjoy a little bit of the outdoors on your own property.

Here are a few ways a retractable awning can help make lockdown and quarantine and enjoyable time and seem more like a holiday or vacation.

Lockdown Mealtime

With everyone home; kids, parents, college students, mealtime can get a little crowded around the table. Furthermore, who doesn’t like to enjoy their food outside in the open air? Nothing can compare to a comfortable outdoor meal with your family.

With a skybass retractable awning you can do just that. If the sun is still beating down on your table or there is a light rain, simply extend your awning and eat in peace. Have a larger family? Then a Heavy-Duty awning is for you. It will give you a spacious 30 sq. meters of space underneath. Enough to fit everyone and leave room to move around.

Please keep in mind that if you are grilling or BBQ outside, do not cook directly under your retractable awning. It can cause damage as well as soot stains.

Lockdown Family Game Time

Nothing brings a family together than an exciting game night. Put away the electronics, bring out the board games or cards and just spend time under the retractable awning getting reacquainted. Passing the time together playing games, laughing and being silly will make lockdown and quarantine fly by.

Why not spend the afternoon playing Monopoly? Or Scrabble? This can be the perfect time to go “unplugged”. Take a break from all the horrible news about the virus and just be with your loved ones.

Singing under the Awning

Just because we are practicing social distancing doesn’t mean we have to cease all our activities. It’s no secret that the way Filipinos love to cope with bad situations is to tuck away the worries and sing their hearts out.

Whether it be Sinatra or John Denver it doesn’t matter. Warm up that KTV, use the handy remote control to expand your awning and gather the family for an afternoon of singing and enjoyment. You’ll forget there is even a quarantine.

Just Relaxing And Enjoying Lockdown

This is the perfect time to get away from the workplace and take a break from the traffic, the noise and the pollution. Routine can be hard to break and sometimes it may seem like you are always on the go. But it’s important that we follow government regulations during this lockdown time to do our part to stop the spreading of this virus.

So just relax. It’s your time and you deserve it. Mix up a pitcher of ice cold calamansi juice, expand your Skybass retractable awning and enjoy the day away. Rejuvenate your mind and body. This too shall pass and it won’t be long until this whole thing is a memory. But there can always be a next time. If you don’t have a Skybass retractable awning now, give Skybass a call. You’ll be glad you did.

Remember that Skybass has locations in Manila, and Davao City and can deliver nationwide via 2GO logistics. Contact us  now or check out our Facebook Page to get the most out of your Summer!


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