Starting A New Storefront Business? Read This First!

Are you thinking of starting a new storefront business? Now that the New Year has come, many Filipinos are looking for ways to invest into a business that will give them a nice return. The economy of the Philippines is strengthening which is leading to more opportunities for small shops and stores to open. Running your own business and being a leader in the community is extremely rewarding. And the lifestyle attached to it is even more attractive.

You want the freedom of being your own boss, however you need your business to be successful. Many businesses, of all sizes, end up failing because they didn’t give it their all. They tried to cut corners, and this greatly impacted sales and left customers having a bad experience. You know what it’s like to be on the consumer end, so you know what customers expect.

An retractable awning can lower inside temperatures

A Storefront Business Needs An Awning

If your new business plan includes having a storefront where customers will come, then you need a retractable awning from Skybass Indoor And Outdoor Comfort. Aside from the aesthetic element and charm your retractable awning will being to your business, there are many other ways it will benefit you. Take a look at just a few of the major benefits you will enjoy from a Skybass retractable awning.

Keep the sun off your merchandise

Protect Your Goods

No matter if you are opening a sari-sari store, a small divisoria, a bakery or even a furniture shop, the tropical sun can damage your inventory. Your inventory is your livelihood. The blazing sun can do a lot of damage. It can quickly spoil food, discolor and warp furniture, fade clothing and lessen the quality of your merchandise. Not to mention, the heat itself can make your customers uncomfortable and some items should not be stored in higher temperatures.

With a retractable awning from Skybass you won’t need to worry over damage from the tropical sun. With its durable covering to block UV rays, your inventory and merchandise can remain undamaged and fresh. Furthermore, temperatures inside your store can remain at a comfortable level, so you won’t have to battle with trying to cool things off.

Show Off Your Storefront Business

Have you ever tried to peek into a storefront window only to be blinded by a glare? A retractable awning can cast a comfortable shadow over your storefront windows. This will allow passing customers to peer in and get a good look at what you can supply them with. Also, they will be able to “window shop” and see your signs for any sales or discounts you may be offering. This type of free advertising can be a gold mine.

The Unintended Customers

It’s no secret that Philippine’s weather is unpredictable. At any time a light rain can start, catching people out an about unprotected. What do they do? They run for the nearest shelter. And that shelter could be under your retractable awning.

You have the advantage as they wait out the rain. If they were not aware of your shop before, they are now. Also, many times people who have time to kill while waiting for the rain to stop, or a bus or jeep, will spend money. Having an attractive display can also help entice them to come in out of the rain and see what you have. Even if they don’t buy today, they know where to go when they are ready.

Increase Sales

Keeping your customers happy is the main goal. And the best way to keep the cash flowing. The sales brought in by having a retractable awning will quickly add up. With all of the above benefits, the return on your investment for your Skybass retractable awning for your storefront will be swift. Your first time buyers will become loyal customers spreading the name of your brand. They will always feel confident that no matter the weather, rain or shine, they can come to your store and be protected

Benefits For You Too! The Storefront Business Owner

.The benefits of having a retractable awning for your storefront don’t stop with inventory and customer satisfaction. It will also benefit you, the business owner. Deliveries will be easier since you won’t have to stand in the blazing sun to check the parcels. Or the rain. Also, it can give you space to greet your customers as they enter or exit your store. You can set up a sidewalk display to attract even more passerby.

And don’t forget the extra added decor!

So if you are ready to open that store front business, or you have one already, contact Skybass Indoor and Outdoor Comfort now. Skybass has locations in Manila, Cebu, Davao City and can deliver anywhere accessible. Contact us or check out our Facebook Page now to start your new year off right.


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